Service Up

InBox OneDriveIntegration

Version 6.4.0

Creation 17/09/2020


The module integrates with OneDrive, creating folders with the customers' name and within them subfolders with the ticket number, where the files will be attached and displayed in the OTRS



The following versions of the OTRS framework are supported:

  • [6.x.x]


The following modules are required:

  • InBox Core 6.28.8 or superior

Operational system

The following operating systems are required:

  • [None]

Third Party Software

The following third-party software is required:


bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ OneDriveIntegration 6.4.0.opm


This module must be configured via System Configuration in the administrative interface. The following configuration options are available:


In the Loader::Module::AgentTicketZoom###002-Ticket configuration, the JS file and CSS file must be inserted.


If the customer interface is not the Customer Portal, in the Loader::Module::CustomerTicketZoom###002-Ticket configuration, the CSS file must be inserted.



Go to system configuration and enable config:

  • UserName
  • Password
  • ClientID
  • TenantID
  • Client_Secret
  • Grant_Type
  • Scope

UserName and password are the accesses for creating the application in Azure.

The ClientID and TenantID parameters are available on the application overview screen created in Azure:

Parameters App OneDrive

The Client_Secret parameter is available on the certificates and secrets screen:

Parameters APP OneDrive

Note: When creating the Client_Secret, it is necessary to save the key in a safe place, as soon after its creation it is hidden, and it is no longer possible to copy it.


To grant the API access permissions, you need to access the "API Permissions" tab and grant the permissions below:

API permissions

With all the procedures ready, when creating the folders you must give permission to access them by customer users directly on OneDrive:

Permission access customer user

With all these settings made, the integration will be available for customer users to access


Defines the main folder in which company and ticket directories and files will be created:

Config Parent Folder


After installing the module, just enter a ticket, and verify that in the menu on the right side there will be a new Subitem called “OneDrive Integration”:

Widget OneDrive

Clicking on the "Create Folder on OneDrive" button will create a folder for the customer and inside it a folder for the ticket.

The list of attached files will appear on the agent's screen:

Widget OneDrive Created folder

When the folder is created by the agent, on the customer's screen inside the ticket, a widget with a link will be displayed to upload files and view them:

Widget OneDrive customer screen

Clicking on the "Update file" button will open a page on OneDrive to insert the files for that ticket:

Upload files on OneDrive

When the files are loaded, they will appear in the Customer and Agent widget, and can be downloaded:

Customer Screen:

Files customer screen

Agent Screen:

Files Agent screen

Custom Module GenericAgent CreateFolderOneDrive

This generic agent creates the folders on OneDrive, when a new ticket is created via email.

To do this, go to the Administrative menu and go to the option "Dynamic Fields", and create a dynamic field called createfolder of type Checkbox:

Create dynamic field

Enter the dynamic field in the settings of the email creation screen:

Access System Configuration:


Config dynamic field email

Create the generic agent, with the TicketDynamicFieldUpdate_createfolder event:

Create generic agent

In execute custom module, insert the module path:

Path module

With the field configured and the generic agent, when creating a ticket via email, a Checkbox will appear, which when selected will create the folder integrated with OneDrive:

create folders when opening the ticket via email


adds a button that copies the link from the created folder to the clipboard
